Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank goodness for fenders

Another rainy day. The light was gray. I slept in late. Had small bowl of soup for lunch, and a slice of cake left over from my baby sister's 18th birthday. Dressed. Slipped on my rain pants, my rain coat, the wide-brimmed hat that Aaron wears when we hike.

What I love about riding in the rain is the sound it makes on the river. Watching the beads of water drop from the brim of my hat. The way it makes me feel quiet inside. The birdsong that I would miss on a hot afternoon.

And then, just before I reached town, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Water rushed into the storm drains. I rode through the puddles. I listened to geese on the river. The world was as tangy and green as a Granny Smith apple. Everything shone with rain. The lilac bushes were heavy with it.

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